

目前顯示的是 10月, 2021的文章

瑜伽老師的執行業務範圍是什麼?(What is a Yoga Teacher's Scope of Practice?)

  瑜伽老師的執行業務範圍是什麼? (What is a Yoga Teacher's Scope of Practice?) 原文連結: https://jennirawlingsblog.com/blog/what-is-a-yoga-teachers-scope-of-practice 在瑜伽世界中,我們經常看到瑜伽老師戴著許多不同的帽子,可以這麼說。我們通常希望瑜伽老師教授一些瑜伽的練習組合,例如體式、調息、冥想和 / 或瑜伽哲學。但我們也經常看到瑜伽老師扮演其他角色,包括解決學生的疼痛和傷害,就焦慮、壓力和抑鬱等心理問題向學生提供諮詢,糾正學生的姿勢,提供營養建議等等。 所有這些業務都屬於瑜伽老師的範疇嗎?還是只有一部分是? In the yoga world, we often see yoga teachers wearing many different hats, so to speak. We generally expect yoga teachers to teach some combination of yoga-specific practices such as asana, pranayama, meditation, and/or yoga philosophy. But we also commonly see yoga teachers taking on other roles as well, including addressing their students’ pain and injuries, consulting students on psychological issues such as anxiety, stress, and depression, correcting students’ posture, offering nutritional advice, and more. Do all of these practices fall within a yoga teacher’s scope of practice, or do only some of them? 我的同事 Travis Pollen 博士 和我一直在關注這個談話。(作為一名瑜伽士和復健科學